Apply for No Faxing Payday Loans Now
Many lending companies provide payday loans to those who are 18 or above and are employed while drawing a reasonable monthly salary. They also expect the borrower to have a checking account which is one way of making sure that the lender gets his money back. But in the case of loans without a bank account, the procedure is a bit different where the lender hands over a check for the required amount instead of making a direct deposit to the borrower's checking account which is how it is usually done.
Getting loans with no bank account is a tougher process because most lending institutions would not want to handle such transactions. If you do manage to find a lender, he is sure to charge high interest and a check takes a longer time to be cashed. It is also risky because if the lender is not genuine, you could be holding a dud check after providing your personal details to a lender who cannot be trusted after all. read more
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